Squishy Penguin
The Squishy Penguin


Stephen and I agreed that regular greetings online are trite and overused. As my old "yiggity yo" apparently annoyed him, I resolved to greet ppl w/"moo" for no particular reason.


Passion Experience 2001 - Saturday, October 20th @ 7:30 (San Diego State)

The Kry Concert - Friday, November 2nd @7:00 (UCSD Price Center)

I have yet another new sn "glo in th3 dark".

CKCP2B is updated. I don't think I've updated anything else. Hope college is being good to you. Hehe, I just edited my conversion story a little bit. I can't believe I left that part out!

September 11, 2001

America exploits every third world country imagineable. We've pissed off too many people this time. If our leaders practiced the ideals of freedom they preach, this would not have happened. It's time to beg forgiveness and pray for God's grace once again. PRAY...if not for you then for the victims' families....for this country...for this world. Jesus is our only hope.

More stuff in random roman characters and music. There's some new links in tokyo ghetto pushibay.

I've started summer school. It's boring. This girl in my project group has the same bag as Henry. Stephen has departed for Berkeley. Roy's in the ghetto at USC. Evan is leaving in one week. I don't move in for another 3 weeks. Retreat was good for the day that I was there. Worship was awesome. Sigh...I was downloading this freestyle battle between Lil Romeo and Lil Bow Wow. The first one to go had the foulest mouth I've ever heard. It was just a stream of obscenities void of talent. I couldn't even download the whole thing. I got a new phone. It's nice and small. Now everyone's Nokia 5190 looks really big to me. My phone plays "Sorry Ms. Jackson". This summer has gone by so fast. I didn't even get to see some people all summer. I feel so unproductive all the time. I've finished five books this summer though. I got this cool picture of a lake at sunset. Near the picture it says "Faith makes all things possible, not easy". That's really cool...College is closing in on us all. I'm in a state of nervous anticipation. Or maybe it's something I ate. I need to do more playing of the guitar. Followed by some writing. Maybe some working out. Reading the bible too...and reading books shall come last as I've done lots of that already. Bioengineering is such a waste of gas.

I'm 18! Yay! Let's all go buy some porn and cigarettes and drive to barona....err. on second thought, let's all go to pc bang past 10! errr, nm. I finished Catch 22 and Malcolm X's autobiography. I strongly recommend both but if you can only read one read about Malcolm X. Not many of us know anything about the man other than he was supposed to be the scarier, more violent civil rights leader as opposed to the peaceful Dr. King. Read about Malcolm please. It's a very entertaining story in itself and it makes you think about a lot of things. So read it or I'll cry.

Angels dancing round,
As I hear the sound of you
Is this you drawing near, oh Lord
Please come take away my fear
To open up again, my friend

There is no place I'd rather be
Oh Lord, than here beholding thee
Open up my eyes so I can see
Your beauty lord, your beauty Lord
When I am weak Lord You are strong
Help me through the day when it is long
Running to your open arms of love

The way You move takes away my fear
The way You move let's me know your near
The way You move satisfies my soul
The way You're moving makes me whole

Thank you for 18 years of life and joy.
note: I'm not holy, righteous, or by any means something a Christian should aspire to be. I'm simply a lost one on the rocks....who knows what's out there. In other words, don't think better of me with things like this. Think better of Him.

To everyone that is leaving soon and to those who are stuck here in SD with me: Thank you for the days, weeks, months, years, decades(!) of friendship and love. I'll seriously miss you and treasure the times we had. Especially the times you all decided to bake me cookies. Dang..good times, good times. Keep your priorities straight and don't become a bitter old man like me. If you ever need ANYTHING, know that I'm there. I won't have anything better to do than bail your sorry butt out anyways :-P May your lives overflow with grace.

Henry - brother, I'll be watching you do great things at UCSD. Bouncing PANDA head. We are still the voice that calls in the desert.

Roy - I'll see you all summer, right? At least we'll see each other for the rest of our lives. Bouncing CAT head. CKC place to be

Daniel - Who got punked? I forgot. DDR fanatic. Visit my dorm, yah?

Evan - I'm still your hype man, right? Persevere and things can only get better.

Stephen - Sorry Ms. Jackson, E.L. Fudge wut wut?!

Paul - What's your master plan? Even though you're taller, you can still call me hyung.

Jon - Camping partner. In the box labelled jo mama?

Avi - Barney! Atlanta has the world's biggest what?!

Gareth - Can you ollie? Bam, let's kick it up a notch

James - John Denver is still full of crap.

Sophia - Pool shark & DDR goddess, NY is lucky

Emily - Are you laughing at or with me? I forgot. You help me grow.

Richard - One of us, equals many of us. Disrespect one of us, you'll see plenty of us. Pre-school buddies forever

Mike - Can you dunk yet? Your rugby hat says RB on it?!

Sergey - Give me your physics homework!

Candy - I'll be your best friend if you let me copy your DOC notes.

Maria - You may have beaten me up after physics boats, but I want a rematch.

Humor has been updated. And the general consensus is that people have low self esteem and think they look like pregnant walruses. How sad is that.

Oh, can you hear it? It's the song of the redeemed, the pursuit of passion for the one who set us free. Oh can you hear it? We're crying out for more. And listen to a song. It's turning into a holy roar.

Where really shouldn't matter at all. I don't know if I have the desire, the burning hunger. But it's weird. I know it exists so I have the hunger to serve so that I'll get the passion. So indirectly I guess I have it. Nothing should be more important. That knowledge is motivation enough to work to make it true.

So I cannot find a place to host my pictures. As photos take approximately half a mb, this is becoming a problem. The large amount of images has been deleted off of tripod probably like 4 times because they think I'm remote loading or storing stuff just to store it. I've grown tired of explaining that I'm really doing neither. Xoom or NBCi no longer exists to provide web space. Thus my pictures are homeless...and I thought it was really cool to have that stuff up. I'm thoroughly frustrated which is why I haven't been updating because I really want to get this stupid picture thing resolved. Someone should buy me webspace :-P

Another couple new things in the CKCP2B section. Another new article. And my pics will probably be down for a day or two because tripod is stupid. So is xoom.

Check out Karo-K if you like free stuff. There are also a few new links there. I uploaded a song to the CKCP2B section and a couple links. There's only like one new thing in the Eyes Wide Shut section and a few new links.

The Son of Italy section has 5 new thingies and Random Roman Characters has 2.

The little survey thingy says that many people think I need more content but even more people think that they look like a pregnant walrus. You guys are weird. I was going to edit but this whole day the tripod filemanager was broken or something. Now it's late and I'm too tired to do anything. I saw the Fast & the Furious. It had nice cars...and no acting...or plot...or anything else. I saw Final Fantasy. It had cool graphics. It could've been better though. I learned to play magic :-P But I'm not a nerd I swear. I went to the gym a couple times. I'm happy. I can bench 125 comfortably again! Yay! I found my olaf stuffed animal. It's Snoopy's brother; the chubby one. Mastodonbody?! Hehe, I like I like. In a week maybe. And no it's not because I'm hardcore. Pictures later!

I transferred all my pictures to a nbci/xoom account. All the links and pictures work. Just right click and push show picture if it doesn't show up immediately because I know everything works now. Of course, the quality of the pictures seems to have gone down for some reason. Oh well I guess. And someone needs to stop signing the guestbook and leaving everything blank just so they can read the other guestbook entries. That's pretty stupid. But whatevers. Who wants to go to Fable this saturday?

My pics don't work. We'll see if I can remedy this in the near future. All the pages with lots of pictures are going to be hosted on xoom now because it gives unlimited space for some unknown reason. I apologize as xoom ads are really ugly looking.

I just got back from my trip to Sacramento. It was interesting and boring at the same time. I played arcades for free. I saw a lot of short Asian people. I met a lot of people. I remet some people I met last time I came to Sacramento and I didn't recognize them :-( I saw a cool car that looks different colors in different light. I saw a pseudo street race, breakdancing, a freestyle battle, and a ddr battle. I played cards, lit sparklers, and watched fireworks. I went to a coffee shop like 10 times, visited many parks, and played on many playgrounds. I swam in a cold cold pool and sat in the hot hot sun. I inhaled more second hand smoke than...I don't know. I inhaled a lot. I saw Scary Movie 2, Cats & Dogs, and Pootie Tang. None of them were great. One of them was good. And two of them are better left unmentioned. I saw a girl unable to walk and had several conversations about being bored. One would imagine that with so many things happening there was fun and excitement 24/7. It wasn't that. But that's ok. It was fun. Something new. Oh yea, and I stayed out until 2 every night sitting in front of someone's house. And we waited for jack in the box for about 50 minutes. And I played Starcraft late at night a lot. How was your week?

I figured out my ucsd email account. I won't be using the aol account anymore because aol sucks and I won't have it in college anyways. So yea. You can use jsato@ucsd.edu now. Or if you're paranoid about the ucsd gestapo reading your messages, use moo_moo_kaboo@hotmail.com

It's 3:20 am and cheetohs have never tasted better.

Magic mountain in a couple weeks maybe? I've been sitting in this chair for far too long. Sigh. Where's my camera?! Aaaaaa!!! I'm hungry. My eyes are closed but that doesn't stop me form typing. Humble mumble to the jungle wumble wumble, that's the way the cracker crumbles. Oopsies. It just won't do. Boo hoo for you too, clue who? Moo moo kaboo! Lose yourself in it. There is no I. There is no us. There is no team. There's only what's left after meltdown. Will your accomplishments burn? Paranoia will destroy you. Obsession will destroy you. Society will destroy you. I will destroy you. But there's always warm fuzzy animals to make everything ok. Pookie did what?! High pitched sound reverberates through the street. Smoke emits, license plate number written down, tailgates with a passion. Sephiroth knew what to do. Tongue & finger say it all! Tons of content, wut wut?! Cry to no one. Sigh to yourself. Die to everyone else. And eat some cake for goodness sake! Aish...double berettas to the dome yo.

"lo siento a los personas con tarjetas" x 2

donde esta la zapatoria? donde esta el jefe? donde esta el dio? donde estoy?

I was 30 and 3 at PC Bang. This clan asked if I wanted to join. What a bunch of losers. "[Jo Mama] Don't Play That" rocks the house! All the links on the side tables work. The Snorlax section has some pictures and stuff. The Elite won't be finished until I find my camera so I can finish the roll of film. Sign the guestbook por favor. Oh yea

ATTENTION: church outreach on JULY 13th
Bethel Church in Escondido is hosting this thing called the Victory Party with a line up of singers, rappers, and speakers. It's Friday, July 13th at 7pm. E-mail me if you have any questions. It's for Christians and non-Christians so yea. I think there'll be free food too. Walter JDSM wants everyone to bring as many people as possible. It's hosted by a guy named DJ Preacherman. You can't pass up something with such comedic potential.

So after a two week hiatus I am back. Which means I've become bored again. Graduation was rather boring. The first speech was decent, kinda generic though. It had a metaphor. Metaphors are nice. The second speech sucked. It had a metaphor too. But it was a sucky metaphor. Later, Gareth told me a good metaphor the second guy should have used. "Graduating high school and going to college is like skydiving and landing in college." I fell asleep at some point during graduation. It was boring. I went to dinner with my family. That was good. Dinner was tasty. I went to grad night. That was ok. Not that great. But not that bad. Roy Won won a 19 inch tv that plays DVD's. I don't feel like a graduated senior. I don't have an irrepressable smile on my face. They said it might hit during graduation. It didn't. Maybe a little after, like during grad night. Nope. I could be slow. A couple days is what it might take. Nuh-uh. But oh well. Maybe the fact that I'm in college will hit me when I'm in college. No new content btw. I've scanned like 100 pictures though so eventually they will be uploaded and posted. Oh yea, I went to orientation today. My earliest class is at like 10 or something. I fell asleep during a talk about housing. I played snake during a talk about something that I don't remember because I was too busy playing snake. I saw Candy there. We ate cookies while people learned how to salsa dance. Remember that salsa dancing is just like walking foward and backward except you get to hold a girl's hand. ;-)

Iverson schooled everyone including the fast Lue who likes to hold. Mutombo shot and blocked better than Shaq who can only move his fat butt into the paint and make lay ups.

I have a bunch of stuff to post for the um....elite thing. But I want to get some pictures up to post along with the abundance of text. So I'll have to develop the pics I've been taking first. Most likely I won't be updating for about two weeks or so because next week is senior activites and I won't have the pictures developed until after graduation and all that is over. If anyone asked me for a prom picture and I didn't give it to you, "I'm getting reprints". Hehehe...j/k, I'll give you my senior picture instead if I don't have enough.

Haven't really had time to add anything lately. I saw Pearl Harbor. It wasn't that bad. But it definetly wasn't that good. The love story and conclusion had to be the lamest things I've ever seen. The Titanic one was better. Sigh, the fighting was mediocre. Saving Private Ryan was a much better war movie. The patriotic, inspirational portions were awful at best. But I dunno. Being a mindless simpleton, I was entertained for about half the movie.

I haven't updated because I just got my new computer that Sergey made for me. I need to transfer all my files and other crap to this comp before I can up anything. I workin on "The Elite" page which will be interesting to probably only me but I don't really care about you anyways. Counting today, there are 4 more days of school left for me and then come senior activities. Oh man. This is some crazy nonsense. Summer shall come and I shall sleep all day. Hibernation from June until October. that's good stuff.

Sleep is Fun, Food is Good, Tokyo Ghetto Pushibay, and Bouncing Cat Head all have lots of content! Yay!!! I've put up more stuff in the past week than I have in my entire life. It takes soooo long to post stuff. Dang, oh well. I wonder if I should e-mail my friends or tell them this website exists or something. Oh well, that's ok. I'll do that whenever I'm not lazy. Two more weeks of school left! Hell yea. This summer ought to be dope.

I's Not Dotted and Silly Monkey have been updated and random graphics have been added to previous sections. Also, I'm very very hungry. I'd really appreciate it if anyone would give donations to a poor poor hungry boy like myself. Oh, btw, the last few times people have signed the guestbook its a private message. So just remember to click that off unless it's really something you only want me to see like "I love you Jason" or "I haven't showered in five days". My perilous journey through the Old Testament has been renewed after months of stagnation! Yay! Judges is much better than Deuteronomy. Oh manoman...76ers lost by like 7 or somethin even though Iverson wasn't even playing. Lakers and Spurs last game tomorrow...err today. If the Spurs get swept, that's sad.

I just realized that in this news section I never really say anything about the updates for this website. I guess that's what the news is supposed to be for or something weird like that. But yea, the sections that have content are: son of italy, random roman characters, karo-k, baka, eyes wide shut, and ckcp2b. The rest have minimal or no content. Heck, most of the section links don't even go anywhere. There is and will continue to be the most random pictures on lots of the pages just so the people who don't like to read will have something to look at.

I've been spending the past two days in calc playing this Russian card game called fool. My Russian friend Sergey basically makes up the rules as we go so that he'll win. I think it's something like you're a fool if you play this game with a cheater like Sergey.

The last two days have been the most chill days of this entire school year. With AP tests over, my work load (or maybe just the amount of work I do) has gone from not much to nothing at all. It was the first time I was able to relax in a long long time. However, I also realized that sitting and playing video games all day can get monotonous. Of course, maybe less sitting and more video games could solve that. But anyways, as I'll have a ridiculously long summer, I'll have to busy myself with pointless things like this website, the gym, basketball, the guitar, and hopefully a lot of reading and writing. For now, prom is in two days I think. I managed to figure out I was going, buy tickets, order a corsage, get a tux, get a group,and get dinner reservations all in like a day and half maybe. Hehe, before the girls beat me for being so last minute and rude....hmm...I have no excuse...nevermind then. Sorry? hehe. Sigh...too bad I'm missing out on an entire day of pc for this. That's ok. PC will still be there next weekend. Oh, and I just wanted to let everyone know, Gareth didn't know what a corsage was. Hehehe...and I'm not just kidding

In three days I will be so unbelievably happy that I will most likely be giddy. For now, I really really want to kick the crap out of someone. On the plus side it appears that I won't be spending $300 on a night spent in traffic and a tux that's too tight. I think I'll go the gym and vent my extra energy and hopefully my anger. Death to the annoying rabbits of stupidity. Exaltation to the silly monkeys, smelly koalas, and effervescent penguins. Silence for me. Joy to the world....

12:10 am. Why do I sound so silly and ditzy in the early news posts and however I do now in the current ones? Maybe the frustrations of making a webpage made me bitter and angry. Maybe not...

It's 11:59 pm and I'm ready to head off to bed. I finished a bunch of stuff for the religion/church/blah blah blah/boring stuff section. The calc bc ap test is tomorrow and I didn't study because I'm really really smart and I'm really really lazy. Prom bs is pissing me off. Everyone turns it into such drama...including me. But whatever...I wonder if I'll go. I get the feeling I'll just be too lazy and tell my date I don't feel like it anymore. Life is some stupid crap. And I need to stfu and move onto more important things anyway. My foot is asleep and I bought skater shoes because they are fat and comfortable. How come when you say the word comfortable it doesn't sound like how it looks written down? It's 12:04 am on May 10, 2001. Create your own chaos kit includes a little box for the stupid thinking part of your brain. I need one of those. Physical, spiritual, or moral lobotomy? Take your pick...

After a few months of sabbatical, I decided to come back. These past few months have sucked majorly. I had earlier been away as I was busy with the Voices and such related nonsense. This ultimately ended in disarray. Too be honest, the only reason I'm restarting this is because I need to busy myself with something. Hell, I should be practicing the guitar. Anyways, we'll see if I actually stick with this. This is my forum, my place to vent...

tired angry forsaken?
not by God. but forsaken nonetheless?

Why do good things happen to good people?
They don't.

Why do bad things happen to good people?
There are no good people.

Why do good things happen to bad people?

Pain is relative. Happiness is relative. Life is relative. YOU are relative

So which one of you didn't think I'd ever update again? HUH? WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE UNBELIEVING HEATHEN?! o wait that'd be me. i forgot i even had a website til like 10 minutes ago. hehehe. o well. Sorry but I lied again. The Yebadebadeba section is still not finished :-( hopefully ill finish sooner than later cuz i still have all the other sections to fill up. and as i currently have an abundance of free time...

everyone say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ROY & HENRY (22nd and 26th respectively)

It's one ten and i just finished my third hot dog. They are soooo good. Oh man...I lied about the yebadebadeba section being done. I have about five or ten more pages to post. It'll be done by the end of today. This may be my last post b4 Christmas. So I say merry x-mas, happy hannakuh, happy kwanza, and happy "i love you because you are you" day (for those who the above don't apply to...and everyone else too). I apologize for the lack of gifts I have given but I'm poor :-( pc bang and jon's guitar sucked away all my money. Only one has been worth it in the end. Which do you think it is? ;-P Christmas apparently has turned into a large marketing scheme controlled by capitalist pigs. I'm not sure when it happened...probably around the same time that they started selling x-mas stuff in october. Newho, everyone remember that this is the time to B NICE!!! As my wise friend Roy once said, "Love your neighbors...and the people down the street." So yea, thanks and I LOVE YOU to all my family and friends...especially to those who bake me cookies!!!! you are the best!

Well the boredom of winter break has set in. That's easily solved by such drugs as PCB (hehehe...not pcp u freak!) But yea, now the yebadebadeba section has been updated. It's full of stuff for u to read and stuff and stuff. So neway, I went to traffic school 2 days ago. 8 hours of pain...actually it wasn't that bad. I liked it better than school. We talked about random stuff and a lot about drugs. Out of 12, there were 2 (including me) that don't drink and 3 (including me again) that don't do drugs. Average teens, go figure. There was this one little crackhead that would not shut up. He was saying the stupidest crap all the time thinking he was funny. This reminded me of myself and so I spent a good portion of the time hoping I'm not like that guy. Also, the "facilitator", as she called herself, somehow got the idea that I smoke pot due to my argument for the leagalization of marijuana. I don't seem like a pothead do I? Oh well, one of the many mysteries of life I suppose. So yea, someone plan something cuz I'm soooo lazy. O btw, I'M SORRY MISS JACKSON/I AM FOR REEEEEL/NEVER MEANT TO MAKE UR DAUGHTER CRY/I APOLOGIZE A TRILLION TIMES.....forever? forever ever? forever ever? show me the dance one more time paul...

So far, my webpage has gotten over 100 hits...w/absolutely NO content! Yay! Now I have some content for those "elitists" who want me to work more. All the links work for the "Eyes Wide Shut" section and prob around 15 or so pages were added to that section. Go check it out. In unrelated news, I played at pc bang again today (yesterday technically). I maintained a 4:1 ratio for a brief period of time, yay! I saw Karla Arias today (hi karla!). If anyone happens to have her email please give it to me. I made academic league varsity team....did you know you actually get a letter for it? O geez...and i thot tennis was a wussy sport (:-P)

Tripod works now, yay! Dang, starcraft is so addicting. Almost as addicting as counter strike...well not really. Anyways, all of my links work. It took soooo long. Oh man. Of course, I have absolutely no content whatsoever (really, there's nothing to read but the section descriptions), but the links work! I'd recommend just saving this page under favorites and just reading the news to see what I update. Oh, and I made the guestbook so the only way you can view the entries is to sign it first,hehe, so go sign it! Henry made a masterpiece of art the other day entitled "The Elite". If we suddenly overcome our cheapness we might pay to put it in the yearbook cuz it's sooooo funny. Fritos are pretty tasty. All I need now is some pink lemonade hi-c.

I'd have to say that tripod is evil. I can't create new directories, rename files, move files, or delete files. I think I'm going to cry. I can't even waste away my Thanksgiving break creating awful looking webpages. Boo hoo...o and if neone would like to steal my source, i'm ok w/it. just at least try to make it look dif. i don't want to see my site up w/dif words....or the same words either

Geez, it takes so long to make a stupid webpage. Oh well, it'll all be worth it in the end, won't it? I'm supposed to become rich, popular, and successful soon right? Oh well. Let me tell you a story...I got a ticket the other day like a block from jon's house (last time i give u a ride!). I made a right turn at a stop sign while the guy next to me was making a left. Since he was making a left, I assumed that the street was clear for my right turn, so I made my turn. I was then promptly ticketed. Boohoohoo. I didn't even know it was illegal. O well. Also, there's about zero content posted so far.

Tables are a pain in the ass. The long journey that is creating a website has begun. I'll prob quit before I get any content but oh well. The titles of the different sections are random so you'll have to actually click on the links to see what the content will be for each section...if there ever is content.