Squishy Penguin

At least a few of you should recognize the first three letters. CKC is the abbreviation for Calvary Korean Church. Currently I attend CKC, am a member of Circle of Friends (the Korean Christian club), and am surrounded by people who say ahn-yung-haseo. Someday, I'll learn the language so I understand why they are always laughing when I'm around. CKCP2B = CKC Place to Be. Don't ask why because I don't know. A lot of this will be directed towards Christians so yea...

This section will just contain articles and other stuff relating to Christianity and religon and philosphy and all that. Unless specifically mentioned, I have written everything in this section. I guess you can consider these pseudo daily devotionals. They won't be daily but that's ok. Much of the stuff written isn't that deep or profound. I'm not that smart. So some of the articles might be stuff you've already heard. Think of it as a friendly reminder. The date on the side is so you know when this was posted so you can tell if you've read it already or not :-) Submit stuff por favor.