Squishy Penguin
Random Roman Characters

This section contains pages w/a random assortment of the roman characters a through z. They were all written by myself or people I know and am friends with. Some of this stuff should be in other sections, but I decided to separate it so people know that I didn't just get this stuff somewhere random off the internet. It's to let you know that your peers have opinions and can write decently. Please send in something for me to post. send your writing here. Oh, and I know that there's a lot of writing on these pages, so if the font or color makes it hard to read, let me know, cuz I was kinda having trouble w/it too.

U.S. and Them
by the Holy Virgin Toilet Duck

Suburbia, Swingsets and Simplicity
by Jason Sato

Another Day in the Neighborhood
by Jason Sato

Santa Killed Jesus
by Jason Sato

Straight Out the Hood
by Jason Sato

The Dumbing Down of America
by Mike Heath

My Old Title Sucked
by Jason Sato

I Wrote This Essay Twice
by Jason Sato

The Jungle
by Jason Sato

I Can Spell Tralfamadorian
by Jason Sato