Squishy Penguin
Sleep is Fun

Unfortunately, I slept most of my senior year away. I heard it was quite exciting. I doubt I missed out on much. Finally, my fellow classmates and I shall get the hell out of here....err...some of us at least. Others who did not get into better schools will stay in San Diego, crying themselves to sleep. If you're wondering, here's where everyone's going. If I missed someone that means I don't like them or I have a bad memory. Take your pic.

Nima Aghdam

Nima is off to UC Berkeley where he will be slaughtered unmercifully by its evil engineering curriculum. j/k...most likely he'll be enjoying the wonders of San Francisco's food. He should make a movie about hot dogs in San Francisco. O dang..

Gareth Allen

Gareth will attend Cal Poly in the fall because his evil counselor told his parents that UCSB is a party school. As Gareth is a wussy, his parents got to choose for him. He'll be loving learning and the fact that he's not in RB anymore. If he ends of making something cool, I'll invest in it and we'll both make mad bank.

Jon Boiser

Jon will be a slacker lit major at UCSD, loving his T3 connection and wondering if life could get any better. I'll take him to the gym everyday. He won't be able to move for the first week. ehehehehe...

Henry Chi

Henry will be my buddy at UCSD where he'll entice the ladies and be a lazy lit major. Hopefully his roommate doesn't have any hygiene standards :-P Henry can teach me how to play ball better as well as how to be really really lazy. College ought to be interesting...

Jeremy Chow

Jeremy will be joining his brother at Cornell after turning down offers from Brown and Penn! That crazy kid and his work ethic. I'm so jealous..sigh. Currently his school year is basically over while I'm still making boats and doing stupid english projects. What a lucky guy...How will he trade scary east coast people for hot Hawaiin girls?

Evan Gach

Evan will be hard pressed to find space in his dorm for his turntables at Michigan where he'll be getting a top notch education as well as pneumonia. When Evan becomes a famous DJ, he'll be getting me into raves and parties for free.

Mike Heath

Mike is going to UC Berkeley on spring admission. I assume that means he'll go into hibernation or something until February. As a future politician, Mike knows the value of sleep just like George Bush! Vote Mike Heath for President in the year 2020 or something like that.

Ramsin Khoshabeh

Somehow Ramsin managed to get major bank towards his tuition at UCSD so he'll be living at home and setting curves here. As he'll have a car, he can drive me to el coti's.

Sophia Kim

Sophia gets to stay in New York and have fun at FIT (fashion institute I believe?). She'll be making the next Polo, giving me clothes for free soon enough. Here's hoping she won't forget me. But who could forget meeee? I know I can't.

Richard Klein

Richard will be spending an oh too short 4 years at UCSB. He'll be enjoying the beach and the beautiful women, while occaisionally attending class. After blissful college, Richard will develop his plan for saving the world. As long as it doesn't involve spandex costumes I'm in.

Sergey Koslovich

Living at home is an evil trend. But Sergey still wishes to continue it. He'll be attending UCSD so he'll be close by to fix my computer when it breaks and to cheat me in Russian card games. The silly commie nazi will probably grow up to be a terrorist or something :-P

Emily Min

Emily gets the joy of going to the same school as me. Yay! Her days will be filled with laughter (but she's not laughing at anyone :-P). Emily can teach me how to box or something cool like that at UCSD.

Maria Ramones

Maria is off to Berkeley. Hopefully she's not an engineering major but she'll probably survive either way. She gets to enjoy the company of Esteban. She will begin her search for a fertile husband soon.

Jason Sato

As I was rejected (not once but twice!) by LA and Berkeley, I'll be spending another four years in sunny San Diego, enjoying the long summers and lack of cutthroat competition (I hope). I'm hoping that college won't be the same as what I do on weekends now (go to linda vista and clairemont mesa).

Avi Schwartz

That loveable character Avi will be going to Emery in Georgia on a full ride to terrorize teachers on another coast. He'll be enjoying fried chicken, overalls, and funny accents. Avi will keep my picture in his wallet at all times so that 1) he can be weird and 2) I won't cry.

Olivia Sin

Olivia will be spending her college years at USC where she'll be close to LA and the mountains for snowboarding. Maybe she'll even get around to studying if there are any days with bad weather. Nah, those days can be spent sleeping...or maybe bowling

Stephen Son

Stephen will be championing Unit 1 (or is it 2?) at UC Berkeley where he'll find people as eccentric as himself. What will Stephen do when he's separated from his soulmate Paul? Oh well. I guess he'll just have to settle for big pimpin in Northern Cali.

Eric Ting

One of many who will be moving twenty minutes away to UCSD. Eric plans on avoiding people who always ask for physics homework and having really cool hair.

Daniel Wang

Yet another victim of the "staying at home" virus; Daniel will be attending UCSD and becoming even stronger and better at diving. He will continue to spread the sounds known as "European death metal".

Benji Whitenack

Benji is off to UC Davis. Honestly, it really doesn't smell like cow like everyone says. It's actually quite pretty. Benji will be busy learning to farm or something I guess.

Paul Won

Paul Won is...not a senior. Hehe, Paul will be staying at home. Most likely he will play golf and pc for his senior year. Poor Pol, all alone. What will he do without us?

Roy Won

Loy will be slacking off with the other rich kids at USC. Hopefully he won't leave campus too often because Compton is kind of dangerous. He will take me to K-Town frequently so we can hit on Korean gangster girls and play PC.

James Yi

James-o will journey to UCI to become an Asian gangster. Hopefully he won't get on academic probation from too much Counter-Strike. James will get to regulate on all the "hardcore" people that attend Irvine.

drop me a line if I missed anyone. If I like them I'll repost.