U.S. and Them
by The Holy Virgen Toilet Duck
I always sit down to write something based off my aggression toward a particular topic such as the illogical reforms that have created our public schools. This is article is different. I’m not pissed off about stupid siht. I’m depressed.
This week I’m sure all of you enlightened kids have seen or heard about the tragedy at some shit suburbia in the United States. Fifteen high schoolers were shot by two classmates who later killed themselves. I have now summarized hours of media melodrama into one sentence. At point blank range, these trench coated fuckups exploded the faces of their fellow school athletes and minorities. They strategically placed pipe bombs throughout the school, which drilled nails into numerous students. The helpless youth, burnouts just like us, watched in horror as these events unravel before their eyes. They must feel sad. I feel sad. Wait, I don’t feel sad. I felt sad. Do I really need to say more about this? This story has been constantly circulating every media outlet and flown into every conversation in our community during the past week.
So all of us self-rightteous americans mourn at the stories of dead as they should, and cringe at the graphic tales of the survivors as they should. Fifteen deaths have stirred the heart of this nation as it should. Should it?
Lets expand on isolated America and incorporate the American escapades in Europe. If you sit through the news long, although I dont know why or how you would, you might glimpse some war or something occuring in Kosovo. At this point, you probably turn off the news, if you were watching it this far. After all, what does this shit thousands of miles away have you do with you? The two or three teens that lived in luxery for all their lives here whom disasterously died is what is important. NO you fool.
I dont want to go into the details of the war in Kosovo, because you probably don’t give a damn. Here's who dying. A ruler is trying to elminate an entire race of people. Every day hundreds of people are killed, not fifteen. They are driven out of their cramped homes and forced to leave their country. In front of the children, mothers are brutally raped and shot at point blank range. Families are seperated. Some are sent to concentration camps to work until they are weak. Then, they are killed. But the news covers Colorado. In Albania, tens of thousands of refugees pour into the country. They have no supplies or shelter and have been walking constantly for days. but what about America? How are my stocks doing? Gas is so expensive. I wish i could afford the new porsche.
You're probably wondering where America is involved in the genocide of thousands. Yes, this time they are against it, but not helping. I will not explain why this is; ask a teacher for humor, read something for information.
Yeah, so I wrote this bitchy article on the tragedy of America. We have not learned about Pol Pot who obliterated millions of people who America supported in the 1980s in school. Nor have we learned how we supported the racial purges in Guatamala during the 70s. Fifteen people died in America this week. Countless thousands died in worse incidents around the world. How sad are you?