Squishy Penguin
J Dog
the sarcastic short guy

Here's my 7th grade impression of a FOB, bowl cut and all.

I forget when people actually called me J-Dog as a joke. Maybe they never did. Sometimes my memory plays tricks on me like that. My life story is boring so I don’t have much to say. I met most of these guys freshman year. Actually, I didn’t meet any of them before freshman year. These guys are my brothers. I love them. I’d die for them. Unless it was going to be a really painful death because I have low tolerance for pain. Supposedly, I’m the short, Filipino-looking, sarcastic guy. I can’t really argue with any of these characterizations. I’m the resident cynic and yet another lazy lazy person. Oh, and I want to clarify something. Just because I'm cynical it doesn't mean I lead an unhappy, suicidal life. When I'm not bored, I'm the most talkative, energetic and happy person in the world...or in my neighborhood...or whatever. Freshman year I was the spitting image of a cool Filipino gangster. Except I’m not Filipino. And I never was too into the “hardcore” scene of doing drugs and stupid stuff to be tough. Maybe I missed out. I’ll never know I guess. Sophomore year I got to know Roy, Henry, Daniel, Paul and Stephen better even though I had met them the year before. Roy, Hen, Dan, and I went to the gym a lot. I was stronger than all but Roy! Muhahahahaha!!!! But now I’m all weak. Boo hoo hoo.

Anyways, sophomore year I got to experience the joy that is APEC. I was in academic league for a couple years. I made the team and quit junior and senior year because I found that buying cheap chicken nuggets on Tuesdays was more important. Junior year I got to hang out with all the cool seniors of 2000. All of them ditched me at the end of the year for greener pastures. How many of you losers have kept in touch with me?! Oh well, I suppose. I managed to go to a couple dances that year. Both dates regrettably saw me dance. What else have I managed to do that is memorable in these past 4 years? Umm…I met James junior year. Jon became friends with all of us senior year. I went to Calvary a lot. I bought a guitar, read a lot of books, sang a lot of songs….and went to pc a lot. I didn’t do all that much these past few years. I slept a lot, went to a couple raves, read a lot of books, burned lots of cds, ate lots of food (slowly), worked on the Voices and the Yeboseo Clan, sang, danced, jumped, laughed, cried, died, and sighed. I don’t know.

There’s nothing to say about me. I’m short. I’m lazy. I need a job. I like sleep. I like E.L. Fudge cookies. I wish I was alive. Not WERE! WAS!!!

Here's the one picture of me smiling with my teeth showing.

“Beware of the zoo police!” – Who hasn’t heard my zoo police story? It’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done….or at least it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever been caught for.

“Dude, I missed the freeway three times not four or five” – Carlsbad trip…oops. The freeway was on the opposite side of where I was so I missed it once. We turned around and the freeway was on the opposite side the next time around so I missed it again. And then because of traffic or something, I don’t even know, I missed it a third time. Actually, I think I only missed it twice. But Roy and Henry insist that it was at least three.

“Are you sure I can make it?” – Jack kept telling me I had room to maneuver after I had parked slanted in the student parking lot. Roy claims I was adjusting for five minutes while he laughed uncontrollably.

“Aish” – This is a Korean expression that is basically the equivalent of dang or sigh. I started saying it as a joke but now I just say it regularly.

“Yebadebadeba” – Using my stupid voice, I say this when I believe you have just spoken gibberish to me.

“Hey now, that’s not cool” – I said this a lot beginning of junior year.

“Hey, let me draw something” – Anyone know what I draw? Obviously the only thing I can draw: the geometric penguin I stole from Brandon and modified.

“Biiig pimping spending g’s” – This is what I say about Henry, Stephen, and Roy all the time because they are so popular with the ladies.

“Bake me cookies!” – Many people owe me cookies. Where are they you liars?!

“I don’t eat that slow” – I do. I lied.

“Gold isn’t a metal….waaaait a second” – I said this to Sergey in a momentary lapse in sanity.

“I don’t want to go home” – I used to say this all the time junior year. It’s not that my house sucks. And my family is great. I don’t really know. I think I just have so much fun hanging out with my good buddies that I like to be out and about. What Jason Does When He Is Bored
goes to PC Bang
sleeps (I do that even when I don't have the time to spare)
eats E.L. Fudge cookies
goes to PC Bang
goes online
watches a bad movie like "Leprechaun in the Hood"
goes to PC Bang
hangs out with Stephen (ahahahaha, j/k...Stephen will only hang out with me if it's his last resort :-P)
learns Korean words
goes to PC Bang
drinks Hi-C
works on his webpage
goes to PC Bang
daydreams about the girl in Crouching Tiger
freestyles with Evan
plays with X-Men action figures
begs Roy's uncle to let him stay longer at PC Bang