Squishy Penguin

Raving is the latest fad. Bad trance is played at dances, during lunch, and on pop radio stations now. If you are an Asian gangster, raving is the thing to do. But whatevers. That's ok. I have to admit that I like raving too. If it weren't so expensive and crowded with non-friendly people nowadays, it'd be even better. If wishes were fishes

Nation was the first rave I ever attended. I went with my good buddy Evan. We spent most of our time in the smoke filled hip hop room and the jungle room which was amazing. Dieselboy spun and was great as always. Trance was ok. I don't particularly like trance anyway. I prefer jungle and happy hardcore. There was nothing to exciting or special to talk about. There was a giant inflated gorilla in the jungle room which was really just an alley between two buildings. Also, being in downtown LA at 3 am is an interesting experience at best.

Nocturnal Wonderland was an awful experience patched with perfection. After driving to Indio, CA which is in the middle of nowhere, we waited in a line for parking for about two hours. We finally got into the rave and saw Oakenfold. Jon said he was great. I don't really remember. There was this really annoying British hype man interupting the music at the happy hardcore room. Actually, there were no rooms. It was just a big open field with the different types of music blasting out of large speakers far away from each other. At some places, you could hear multiple genres being played at once. After deciding to walk around by myself for a little while, I hung out at the jungle and happy hardcore rooms and had a good two hours or so. At some point I found a bunch of glowsticks on the ground. We left a little early to avoid traffic. The time we saved was wasted looking for the car. We spent about an hour and half looking for my car. By the time we found it, the crowd had formed. I saw E.J. there looking dead near his truck. He said there was supposedly 100,000 people at the rave. What are the odds that'd I'd see him out of all those people? But yea. We took forever to get to the freeway because of the massive line of traffic. Jon drove the whole way home because we were all very very sleepy.