Squishy Penguin

You Know You’re an RB Thug If...

1. You read Vibe or the Source.
2. You drive a brand new acura integra while proclaiming your ghettoness.
3. You do that fist bumping thing.
4. Your car is too low to go over speed bumps at speeds of double digits.
5. You saw tadow, bitch please, or homey on a regular basis.
6. You try to bark, grunt, or dance like DMX, Master P, and Puffy.
7. You’ve never gotten into a fight without 20 guys backing you up.
8. You think you can flow.
9. You really think you can flow.
10. You wear fubu or jinco and find it necessary to re-gel your hair multiple times during the day.
11. You wear clothes with Asian writing and don’t know what it means.
12. Your jacket makes you three times as wide.

Top Things to Do on Halloween

1. pumpkin “clean up”
2. There is no number two. I only made this list so I could write number three.
3. give ugly people masks