Squishy Penguin
by Mike Heath

Shoes. Shoes are a fascinating invention. Honestly. What kind of person would think of killing small animals and cows, and then use their hides to cover out lower extremities? But I guess that's what makes us human: The ability to kill small animals for style. Right? Right? Or maybe it's the fact that we would work for twenty hours to earn enough money to buy these stylish hides. Whatever it may be, the idea is still ridiculous. For those of us that live in San Diego, there is nearly no need for shows. Who needs shows when it is 70 degrees year-round? Maybe we wear shows because we get pleasure from the knowledge that we are enslaving young children in Pakistan. Sure that's it. It all is clear now. Shoes are a lie. They never existed before Nike came along. Everything we know about shoes in the past: a lie. Shoes exist now so that we can enslave small children. Ahh yes. Enslaving foreign children. Now that's human. That's shoe-like.